The Comprehensive Guide to Cat Flap Installation

cat flap is a small portal or door installed in a larger door or window to allow your pet cat to enter and exit your home freely. It provides convenience for both the pet and the pet owner, eliminating the need to constantly open and close doors for your feline friend. This article will guide you through the process of installing a cat flap, covering various types of doors and windows.

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How to Fit a Cat Flap

Cat Flap in Front Door

Installing a cat flap in a front door is a common choice for many homeowners. The process involves cutting a hole in the door, fitting the cat flap, and securing it in place. It’s important to measure your cat’s size to ensure the flap is large enough for them to pass through comfortably but not so large that it compromises the door’s integrity.

Cat Flap in UPVC Door

UPVC door is a popular choice for cat flap installation due to its durability and ease of maintenance. The process is similar to installing in a wooden door, but special care must be taken not to damage the door’s structure. It is recommended to hire professional cat flap fitters for this task.

Cat Flap in Glass Door

Glass door installation requires a different approach. Special tools are needed to cut a hole in the glass without breaking it. It’s highly recommended to hire a professional for this task to avoid potential damage.

Best Cat Flap for Double Glazed Door

When it comes to double glazed doors, not all cat flaps are suitable. The best cat flaps for these types of doors are those specifically designed for glass installations. These flaps often come with a microchip feature, allowing only your pet to use the door.

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We fit cat Flaps into:

  • Fitting and installing CatFlap Glass Doors
  • Fitting and installing CatFlap Wooden Doors
  • Cat Flap installation
  • Pick our brands from the most popular brands including Catmate, Staywell, and Sureflap
  • uPVC Door Panels
  • Single Glazed Units
  • We offer installation of both Microchip Cat Flaps and non-microchip cat flaps (4-Way Cat Flaps).

Cat Flap Cover

cat flap cover can be used to restrict your cat’s access when necessary. It’s also useful for keeping out unwanted animals. Some cat flaps come with a cover, or one can be purchased separately.

Cat Flap Installation Cost

The cost of installing a cat flap can vary depending on the type of door or window, the cat flap model, and whether you hire a professional for the installation. It’s always best to get a quote from a reputable company before proceeding.

Understanding Cat Flaps

Cat flaps, also known as cat doors or pet doors, are small openings in doors or walls that allow cats to enter and exit a house freely without needing human assistance. These convenient devices come in various shapes, sizes, and materials to suit different needs and preferences.

Types of Cat Flaps

There are several types of cat flaps available on the market, including basic flap doors, microchip-activated flaps, magnetic flaps, and electronic flaps. Each type offers unique features and benefits, so it’s essential to choose one that aligns with your specific requirements and budget.

Selecting the Right Location

Choosing the optimal location for your cat flap is crucial for both your cat’s comfort and your convenience. Consider factors such as your cat’s usual entry and exit points, the layout of your home, and any potential obstructions or hazards in the surrounding area.

Preparing for Installation

Before installing your cat flap, gather all the necessary tools and materials, including a measuring tape, pencil, screwdriver, and drill. Measure the dimensions of your cat flap and mark the outline on the door or wall, ensuring precise placement and alignment.

Maintaining Your Cat Flap

Regular maintenance is key to ensuring your cat flap remains in optimal condition. Clean the flap regularly to remove dirt, debris, and pet hair, and inspect for any signs of damage or wear that may require repair or replacement.

Tips for Training Your Cat

Some cats may need assistance or encouragement to use the cat flap initially. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and play to motivate your cat to approach and pass through the flap confidently.


Installing a cat flap can provide your pet with the freedom they crave while giving you peace of mind. Whether you’re installing it in a wooden door, a UPVC door, or a glass door, the process requires careful planning and execution. Always consider hiring a professional to ensure a safe and secure installation.

Remember, the comfort and safety of your pet should always be the top priority when choosing and installing a cat flap. Happy pet, happy home!


1. Can I install a cat flap in any type of door or wall?

Yes, cat flaps can be installed in various types of doors, including wooden, metal, and uPVC doors, as well as walls made of brick or plasterboard. However, it’s essential to choose the appropriate installation method and ensure proper sealing to maintain structural integrity and insulation.

2. How do I know which size cat flap to choose for my cat?

To determine the correct size cat flap for your cat, measure your cat’s height and width while they are standing comfortably. Choose a flap size that allows for easy entry and exit without being too restrictive or too large, which could compromise insulation and security.

3. Will installing a cat flap affect my home’s security?

When installed correctly and equipped with appropriate security features such as locking mechanisms and reinforced frames, cat flaps can enhance your home’s security by providing controlled access for your cat while deterring intruders. Be sure to follow manufacturer guidelines and consider additional security measures for added peace of mind.

4. How can I prevent other animals from entering through the cat flap?

If you want to restrict access to only your cat, consider investing in a microchip-activated cat flap that only opens for registered pets. Alternatively, you can install additional barriers such as electronic collars or physical barriers to prevent unwanted intruders from entering your home.

5. Is it possible to remove or replace a cat flap once installed?

Yes, cat flaps can typically be removed or replaced if necessary, although the process may vary depending on the type of flap and the installation method used. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for removal and replacement and consider seeking professional assistance if unsure.